KuroKen Events
Currently running: Firsts Exchange

The KuroKen Exchange (krkn exch) will be a moderated event in which writers and artists of all skill levels will submit prompts for the Haikyuu ship KuroKen (Kuroo Tetsurou x Kozume Kenma) they wish for another person to complete. They will then be matched with another person's prompts and create a fanwork for that person within a defined and agreed upon schedule. This year's exchange theme is Firsts.The KuroKen Big Bang (krkn BB) will be a moderated event in which writers and artists of all skill levels will be paired up to collaborate and create an explosion of content for the haikyuu ship KuroKen within a defined and agreed upon schedule.These event will allow Safe For Work (SFW) and Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Dead dove content is not permitted (see outline of dead dove content). All works will centre around the relationship between Kuroo Tetsurou and Kozume Kenma.


signups: aug 4 - sept 15
assignments: sept 25
creation period: sept 25 - feb 3
check in 1: nov 2-9
check in 2: dec 9-16
check in 3: jan 13-19
gifts due: feb 3
gift reveal: feb 14
creator reveal: feb 21


How does an Exchange work?A gift exchange (or just exchange) is a challenge where participants create fanworks to give to one another. These exchanges are typically oriented towards fanfiction and fanart. Gifts are given anonymously, with the creators revealed a few days after posting. Only the moderators know the creators' identities until the reveal. Publicly guessing the creator or de-anoning oneself before the reveal is prohibited.
Creators may be assigned a beta reader if desired. In the event a creator drops out of the event, their place will be filled by a pinch hitter.
What type of content is allowed?This event will allow Safe For Work (SFW) and Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Dead dove content is not permitted.Can a participant take on multiple roles?A participant may sign up offering both writing and art. Additionally, they may sign up for other roles (beta reader, pinch hitter). We ask that creators evaluate their time and capability responsibly before signing up.WritersHow long does a work have to be?
The minimum expected word count by the end of the creation period is 2000 words. There is no word limit.
Can I submit a WIP?
Any content submitted must be original and unpublished. This means works that are in drafting stages but have not been posted online are allowed to participate, however works that have already been published online (complete or ongoing) are not. The WIP also must align with the giftee's preferences.
Does the work have to be finished by the posting period?
Yes. The work, in its entirety, must be completed by the posting period. This applies to multi-chaptered works as well. To encourage and assist the completion process, we will have 3 check-ins spread throughout the creation period to track progress and address difficulties.
What are the posting requirements?
All writers must have an AO3 account from which to post their work. Besides meeting the minimum word count requirement, all writers are expected to tag and rate their content appropriately. This includes tagging relationships correctly and warning/tagging potentially triggering content. Beta-readers must be credited.
ArtistsWhat are the minimum requirements for a completed piece?
Both traditional and digital art are accepted. Sketches are welcome, especially if you plan to post several panels or a comic but ensure they are not too rough Works may either be in colour or black and white.This is a minimum requirement, not a limit!
Is there a skill requirement?
No. Artists of all skill levels are welcome to participate in this event.
Are there restrictions on art mediums?
No. Artists may choose to produce their art in whatever medium, whether traditional or digital.
Beta-readers and Pinch hittersWhat is a beta reader?
A beta reader is a person who reads a writer’s work prior to it being published in order to spot errors and provide suggestions on improvement if solicited.
What will this event entail for beta readers?
When signing up as a beta reader, participants will be asked what they are willing to do as a beta reader (SPaG, plot development assistance, cheerleading, etc), what content they are comfortable/uncomfortable reading, and how many works they are willing to beta-read.
If during the creation process a writer requests a beta reader, mods will contact participants who have signed up as beta readers in order to match beta to writer. This will be done taking account both the beta’s preferences and the writer’s needs.What is a pinch hitter?
A pinch-hitter is a person who fills in another participant’s place in case someone leaves the event. This event will have both artist and writer pinch hitters.
What will this event entail for pinch-hitters?
If a participant (artist or writer) leaves the event and leaves a vacancy, mods may contact a pinch hitter to take their place. Because this could happen at any time during the creation process, expectations of a pinch hitter’s work may vary depending on the time left for completion. These expectations will be left at moderators’ discretion and will be informed when the pitch is offered to a pinch hitter along with any other accommodations mods may offer. Pinch hitters are free to turn down offers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a Big Bang work?Writers will submit summaries of the work they intend to create for the event, and artists will submit and rank the pitches they’d like to illustrate. Mods will pair creators according to preference and compatibility. Final creations will be posted on AO3.
Creators may be assigned a beta reader if desired. In the event a creator drops out of the event, their place will be filled by a pinch hitter.
What type of content is allowed?This event will allow Safe For Work (SFW) and Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Dead dove content is not permitted.Can a participant take on multiple roles?A participant who wishes to take on multiple roles (writer, artist, pinch-hitter, or beta reader) may do so as long as they are willing to commit to the rules and guidelines each role entails. We ask that creators evaluate their time and capability responsibly before signing up.WritersHow long does a work have to be?
The minimum expected word count by the end of the creation period is 5000 words. There is no word limit.
Can I submit a WIP?
Any content submitted must be original and unpublished. This means works that are in drafting stages but have not been posted online are allowed to participate, however works that have already been published online (complete or ongoing) are not.
Does the work have to be finished by the posting period?
Yes. The work, in its entirety, must be completed by the posting period. This applies to multi-chaptered works as well. To encourage and assist the completion process, we will have 4 check-ins spread throughout the creation period to track progress and address difficulties.
What are the posting requirements?
All writers must have an AO3 account from which to post their work. Besides meeting the minimum word count requirement, all writers are expected to tag and rate their content appropriately. This includes tagging relationships correctly and warning/tagging potentially triggering content. Beta-readers must be credited.
ArtistsWhat are the minimum requirements for a completed piece?
Artists will be expected to create at least one fully rendered piece, background optional, illustrating the writer’s story by the end of the creation period. Works may either be in colour or black and white.This is a minimum requirement, not a limit!
Is there a skill requirement?
No. Artists of all skill levels are welcome to participate in this event.
Are there restrictions on art mediums?
No. Artists may choose to produce their art in whatever medium, whether traditional or digital.
Can I claim more than one pitch?
Yes. When artists submit their selections and rankings of the pitches they’d like to create for, they will be asked how many pitches they would like to be paired with.
If I am paired with an NSFW summary, must my artwork also be NSFW?
No. You are allowed to pick any scene from the summary/storyline and illustrate it to whatever degree of explicit-ness you are comfortable with.
Beta-readers and Pinch hittersWhat is a beta reader?
A beta reader is a person who reads a writer’s work prior to it being published in order to spot errors and provide suggestions on improvement if solicited.
What will this event entail for beta readers?
When signing up as a beta reader, participants will be asked what they are willing to do as a beta reader (SPaG, plot development assistance, cheerleading, etc), what content they are comfortable/uncomfortable reading, and how many works they are willing to beta-read.
If during the creation process a writer requests a beta reader, mods will contact participants who have signed up as beta readers in order to match beta to writer. This will be done taking account both the beta’s preferences and the writer’s needs.What is a pinch hitter?
A pinch-hitter is a person who fills in another participant’s place in case someone leaves the event. This event will have both artist and writer pinch hitters.
What will this event entail for pinch-hitters?
If a participant (artist or writer) leaves the event and leaves a vacancy, mods may contact a pinch hitter to take their place. Because this could happen at any time during the creation process, expectations of a pinch hitter’s work may vary depending on the time left for completion. These expectations will be left at moderators’ discretion and will be informed when the pitch is offered to a pinch hitter along with any other accommodations mods may offer. Pinch hitters are free to turn down offers.